Intheoffice,pursuingfemalesubordinatesissomething Continue readingHow to woo female subordinates Tips for wooing female subordinates
Pick up skills, ways to pick up girls
1 TheimportanceofstrikingupaconversationCatchingup Continue readingPick up skills, ways to pick up girls
What to say to find a girlfriend, what to say to attract girls
Findingasuitablegirlfriendiswhateveryboywants,but Continue readingWhat to say to find a girlfriend, what to say to attract girls
Why do boys take the initiative after giving up on girls-
Ihavebeenchasingagirlforalongtime,andIhavereadalo Continue readingWhy do boys take the initiative after giving up on girls-
Why are there fewer women willing to accompany men in their struggles-
Infact,objectivelyspeaking,thisisindeedaproblem:m Continue readingWhy are there fewer women willing to accompany men in their struggles-