Howdoyoureplytoagirlyoulikewhensheasksyouhowtallyo Continue readingHow do you reply to a girl you like when she asks you how tall you are-
How to chase a girl you like- Tips for chasing girls you like
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Happy birthday wishes to girls! Like + favorite!
Whenyouhaveabirthday,youwillinevitablysaysomebles Continue readingHappy birthday wishes to girls! Like + favorite!
How to make a proposal feel ritualistic- A ritualistic way to propose
Womenareveryconcernedaboutthesenseofritual,soifyo Continue readingHow to make a proposal feel ritualistic- A ritualistic way to propose
How can we have a better conversation when we go back from a blind date-
Blinddateisatraditionalwayofmarriageandlove,andit Continue readingHow can we have a better conversation when we go back from a blind date-