1 PhysicalAttractivenessAppearanceisthefirstimpre Continue readingWhat kind of men do women feel about-
Girls slowly accept your performance, only honest people can't see it
Whenyouchaseagirl,shewillalways "clutchherpipahalf Continue readingGirls slowly accept your performance, only honest people can't see it
A girl says you are trying to trick me, how should I reply-
Whenboyschasegirls,theywillinevitablyusesometrick Continue readingA girl says you are trying to trick me, how should I reply-
How to chat with a girl the second time- There is so much to say
Therelationshipbetweenusandgirlsactuallywentfroms Continue readingHow to chat with a girl the second time- There is so much to say
What does it mean when a girl calls you a pig- Maybe he's flirting with you
Haveanygirlscalledyouapig?Pigactuallyreferstoanan Continue readingWhat does it mean when a girl calls you a pig- Maybe he's flirting with you