Courtinggirlsisamatterofskillandpatience,butsomem Continue readingContinue reading
Category: PUA knowledge
How to ask a girl her name- How to ask a girl's name
Manytimes,ifyouwanttoknowagirl’sname,youdon’thave Continue readingContinue reading
Mr. Love TV series, you can even catch girls by poaching
Nowadays,therearemoreandmoreboyswhocannotfallinlov Continue readingContinue reading
What are some tips on how to pursue girls romantically-
Pursuingagirlisaromanticthing,buthowcanyoumakeherf Continue readingContinue reading
For the purpose of falling in love, why does a man have to need a woman-
Accordingtothetheoryofcauseandeffect,everythingdo Continue readingContinue reading